
Posts Tagged ‘Short Mountain Distillery’

Standing in a cloud of bee’s wings

December 30th, 2011 No comments

I guess the title pretty much gives it away, but I learned the hard way what bee’s wings are today at the still house, and it has very little to do with bees.

Neighbors helping neighbors make some moonshine

December 29th, 2011 No comments

corn shelling

Bobby Self brought his combine and a couple of friends to the farm today and helped us shell about 300 bushels of our first organic corn. He had already finished his harvest, and like most neighbors he wanted to do what he could to help us get our first batches of whiskey and moonshine going at Short Mountain Distillery.

There isn’t a day that goes by that I’m not humbled by how much people are connecting with what we’re doing on Short Mountain. They want to help because they want to see our country get back to work. They know we’ve gone out of our way to make sure our equipment was made by our friends and neighbors right here at home. They see our shared values and our determination in action. Most importantly, they see America’s story.

I want to invite you to connect with a growing community of neighbors and friends who are ready to help export to the world a genuine taste of Tennessee’s rich agricultural heritage. Join us on Facebook and be a part of our shared dreams and aspirations at Short Mountain Distillery.